My Grandmother, whom I like to think of as my "Gardening Angel", is a tough act to follow when it comes getting down in the dirt. I don't believe there was ever a blade of grass out of place in her yard and the gardens surrounding her quaint little house rivaled any I've seen at a botanical garden. So this year, as I'm waffling on whether to put in my winter color, I of course thought of her. She wouldn't hesitate a second to get down on her knees to pop the pert little plants into the earth for the reward of their happy faces throughout the winter months! I'm inspired, but tired. Sigh. Off to the nursery I go bargaining with myself and deciding that if they don't have flats of Delta Blue, (my usual choice up against the white brick), it will be a sign and I'll just skip the whole process this year. After all, I reasoned, I was a bit late in getting to it in the first place and no one else in our neighborhoo...